Why Choose Us?

Capital Homecare Ltd. is about differentiation. At Capital Homecare Ltd. we have no distinction for choice of client because we are generic and specialist service provider. The services we provide are intended for people of all ages irrespective of their disabilities or needs, culture, ethnicity, race or religion because we at Capital Homecare Ltd. embrace and celebrates diversity. We see our service users as part of the organisation's family which means their welfare to us is sacrosanct.
The management team of Capital Homecare Ltd. has a wealth of practical community care service experience and are well informed with years of Social Services background. We provide and deliver our services in a non-discriminatory fashion by our trained and supported social care workers who are flexible, loving, considerate, and are sensitive to the needs, preferences and choice of the individual service user. We consult and encourage positive partnership working relationship with stakeholders and insist on their participation for the benefit of the service user. We also encourage social cohesion by promoting positive relationships and a sense of belonging by reducing fear and tensions around race, colour, and faith.
Capital Homecare Ltd. goal is to achieve a standard of excellence because we are determined to add quality and value in our service delivery by matching individual service user with informed and supported experienced social care workers and ensuring rigorous monitoring regime. Most importantly Capital Homecare Ltd. will work untiringly with Social Services Department as partnership for the benefit of the service user and for our collective interest in achieving the outcomes of the care plan. We aim to achieve standards of excellence and a satisfactory care delivery system for all our service users.